Honor Societies
91¾ÅÉ«ÊÓƵ chapters of national and international honor societies recognize student academic achievement and leadership. Qualifying student members have opportunities to network with high-achieving professionals in their field; hold leadership positions; compete for valuable scholarships, fellowships and grants; attend seminars, workshops and conferences; and participate in campus and community programming that extends and enhances their academic experience.
The Nu lota Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa National Scholastic Fraternity promotes scholarship, encourages the development of character and cultivates fellowship among students of community colleges. Invitations to apply for membership in Phi Theta Kappa are issued to eligible students each semester.
For more information, contact Elizabeth Raulerson at 772-462-7947 or eraulers@irsc.edu.
Kappa Delta Pi is a "by-invitation-only" educational honor society based on GPA. It supports future educators with opportunities for professional development, service learning and leadership.
For more information, contact Michelle Kinggard at 772 462-7079 or mkinggar@irsc.edu.
The Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society is for Bachelor’s Degree students enrolled in 91¾ÅÉ«ÊÓƵ Business Administration and Organizational Management programs. Invitations are extended to candidates demonstrating outstanding scholastic achievement. Membership conveys academic excellence and a commitment to high principles and superior achievement throughout a students’ lifetime.
For more information, contact Dr. Christopher McChesney at 772-419-5691 or cmcchesn@irsc.edu.
Membership is by invitation to Baccalaureate Degree nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, and to nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing.
For more information, contact Cathleen Paton at 772-462-7568 or cpaton@irsc.edu.
Alpha Phi Sigma honors and promotes academic excellence, leadership, service and unity. Its purpose is to promote analytical thinking, rigorous scholarship, and lifelong learning; to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research; to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice profession, and to sustain in the public mind the benefits and necessity of education and professional training. Advisors, officers and active members attend monthly on-campus meetings. Through enhanced membership, members have the opportunity to participate in club activities focused on leadership, fellowship, scholarship and service.
For more information, contact Kimberlie Massnick at 772-462-7966 or kmassnic@irsc.edu.
Lambda Nu is a national honor society for radiologic and imaging sciences students. The purpose of the organization is to foster academic and clinical practical scholarship at the highest levels, to promote mentoring of students in and preparing to enter a field of imaging sciences and to provide information to the college community and general public concerning imaging sciences.
For more information, contact Tracie Pacheco at 772-462-7541 or tpacheco@irsc.edu.
The online chapter of Sigma Alpha Pi—National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)—at 91¾ÅÉ«ÊÓƵ promotes leadership development, and encourages community action, volunteerism and personal and academic growth among chapter members. Invitations for membership are extended in Fall and Spring semesters to candidates who demonstrate academic excellence.
For more information, visit or contact Janeth Delva at 772-462-7477 or NSLSOnline@irsc.edu.